Trading Sessions Overview
The Hong Kong securities market has three main trading sessions during a regular trading day:
Pre-opening Session
Continuous Trading Session
Closing Auction Session
For detailed trading hours, please refer to the HKEX's official website:
Trading Sessions Supported by Tiger Brokers
Tiger Brokers supports limit orders in the following trading sessions:
1. Continuous Trading Session (CTS)
2. Auction, Continuous Trading Session (AUC+CTS)
Orders will participate in the corresponding trading session only when their order price meets the HKEX's requirements.
Trading Session Selection Guide
1. Continuous Trading Session (CTS)
When you select this option:
Orders will be submitted as Enhanced Limit Orders
Orders will participate in the continuous trading session for matching
At the end of the CTS, for securities eligible for closing auctions, unexecuted buy orders that do not exceed their security's upper price limit and unexecuted sell orders that are not below their security's lower price limit will be transferred into the closing auction session. These transferred orders will be treated as At-auction Limit Orders.
2. Auction, Continuous Trading Session (AUC+CTS)
When you select this option, orders will be matched as follows:
A. Orders Submitted During a Pre-opening Session
Will participate as At-auction Limit Orders
After the pre-opening session, unexecuted orders that do not deviate from their nominal price by 9 times or more will be automatically entered into the continuous trading session as regular limit orders in queue.
B. Orders Submitted During Continuous Trading Session
Will participate as Enhanced Limit Orders
At the end of the CTS, for securities eligible for closing auctions, unexecuted buy orders that do not exceed their security's upper price limit and unexecuted sell orders that are not below their security's lower price limit will be transferred into the closing auction session. These transferred orders will be treated as At-auction Limit Orders
C. Orders Submitted During a Closing Auction Session
All limit orders will participate as At-auction Limit Orders
Orders will either expire after the closing auction session or continue to the next trading day if they are not expired
By selecting the trading session that suits your trading strategy, you can participate more effectively in the Hong Kong securities market.