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Providing global access solutions for various types of trading clients.
Offering trading execution, clearing, and custody solutions for brokerages and intermediaries.
Providing tailored technological solutions for clients such as quantitative and tech platforms.
Holding licenses and qualifications in securities brokerage, underwriter or selling group participant (corporate securities other than mutual funds), DTCC member, NYSE member, etc.
Trading member of SGX-ST
Type 1 (Dealing in securities), Type 2 (Dealing in futures contracts), Type 4 (Advising on securities), Type 5 (Advising on futures contracts) and Type 9 (Asset management) licenses
Trust and company services business license, insurance broker license
Client money and property service provider
*The total number of group licenses encompasses all licenses, and the illustration does not cover all countries and regions. Licenses and qualifications updated as of 2024/3